person looking into reflection of reddit logo
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Nerds Vs Deepfakes

Merriam Webster’s word of the year is: “Authentic.”  

Ironically, in the AI vs. AI sounding-board of generative content, being authentic seems a Herculean task. Living in an echo chamber of biased content where algorithms serve up a cocktail of top 10 Google searches and viral trends – makes it hard, nigh on impossible, to reinforce originality.  

Cue, Reddit.

An island of unfiltered human expression, where intelligence doesn’t seem so artificial. The Reddit hive-mind – Subreddits, are the secret sauce to keeping opinions controversial and innovation afloat. While bots echo bandwagon reviews and headlines, real-time discussions on Reddit offer fact-checked perspectives and laissez-faire content.

AI doesn't need to imply death of authenticity; but adding “Reddit” to a google search can open a portal to fearlessly unbiased, ad-free outlooks and feedback.

Choosing nerds over deepfakes, could just be our saving grace.


AI doesn't need to imply death of authenticity; but adding “Reddit” to a Google search can open a portal to fearlessly unbiased, ad-free outlooks and feedback.
person looking into reflection of reddit logo
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Nerds Vs Deepfakes

Merriam Webster’s word of the year is: “Authentic.”  

Ironically, in the AI vs. AI sounding-board of generative content, being authentic seems a Herculean task. Living in an echo chamber of biased content where algorithms serve up a cocktail of top 10 Google searches and viral trends – makes it hard, nigh on impossible, to reinforce originality.  

Cue, Reddit.

An island of unfiltered human expression, where intelligence doesn’t seem so artificial. The Reddit hive-mind – Subreddits, are the secret sauce to keeping opinions controversial and innovation afloat. While bots echo bandwagon reviews and headlines, real-time discussions on Reddit offer fact-checked perspectives and laissez-faire content.

AI doesn't need to imply death of authenticity; but adding “Reddit” to a google search can open a portal to fearlessly unbiased, ad-free outlooks and feedback.

Choosing nerds over deepfakes, could just be our saving grace.


AI doesn't need to imply death of authenticity; but adding “Reddit” to a Google search can open a portal to fearlessly unbiased, ad-free outlooks and feedback.
person looking into reflection of reddit logo
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Nerds Vs Deepfakes

Merriam Webster’s word of the year is: “Authentic.”  

Ironically, in the AI vs. AI sounding-board of generative content, being authentic seems a Herculean task. Living in an echo chamber of biased content where algorithms serve up a cocktail of top 10 Google searches and viral trends – makes it hard, nigh on impossible, to reinforce originality.  

Cue, Reddit.

An island of unfiltered human expression, where intelligence doesn’t seem so artificial. The Reddit hive-mind – Subreddits, are the secret sauce to keeping opinions controversial and innovation afloat. While bots echo bandwagon reviews and headlines, real-time discussions on Reddit offer fact-checked perspectives and laissez-faire content.

AI doesn't need to imply death of authenticity; but adding “Reddit” to a google search can open a portal to fearlessly unbiased, ad-free outlooks and feedback.

Choosing nerds over deepfakes, could just be our saving grace.


AI doesn't need to imply death of authenticity; but adding “Reddit” to a Google search can open a portal to fearlessly unbiased, ad-free outlooks and feedback.
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