contemplative statue in front of bright background
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We want to captivate people. Make them laugh, weep, feel awestruck. Have our work keep them up at night. But how can you expect to reach people if you’re not making time to feel things yourself? 

A “creative” is still nothing more than a human being. Your priority is to live the richest, most vibrant existence you can. 


So block time off your calendars. Finish that book, paint, go for a walk, watch a film, cook something delicious, or just stare at the wall. You have to protect time outside your job to be your full human self. By doing this, you’re creating the raw material for ideas. 


Now bring that whole self to your work and watch how people respond.


The most precious resources in creative work are the raw materials for ideas – found by creating space in our lives to cultivate what makes us human.
contemplative statue in front of bright background
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We want to captivate people. Make them laugh, weep, feel awestruck. Have our work keep them up at night. But how can you expect to reach people if you’re not making time to feel things yourself? 

A “creative” is still nothing more than a human being. Your priority is to live the richest, most vibrant existence you can. 


So block time off your calendars. Finish that book, paint, go for a walk, watch a film, cook something delicious, or just stare at the wall. You have to protect time outside your job to be your full human self. By doing this, you’re creating the raw material for ideas. 


Now bring that whole self to your work and watch how people respond.


The most precious resources in creative work are the raw materials for ideas – found by creating space in our lives to cultivate what makes us human.
contemplative statue in front of bright background
← Back to Ideas


We want to captivate people. Make them laugh, weep, feel awestruck. Have our work keep them up at night. But how can you expect to reach people if you’re not making time to feel things yourself? 

A “creative” is still nothing more than a human being. Your priority is to live the richest, most vibrant existence you can. 


So block time off your calendars. Finish that book, paint, go for a walk, watch a film, cook something delicious, or just stare at the wall. You have to protect time outside your job to be your full human self. By doing this, you’re creating the raw material for ideas. 


Now bring that whole self to your work and watch how people respond.


The most precious resources in creative work are the raw materials for ideas – found by creating space in our lives to cultivate what makes us human.
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